Biker Planet
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  • Wide range of users
  • Easy to use interface
  • Secure messaging system
  • Detailed profile information available for members
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  • Unverified profiles


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Is Biker Planet the Right Place for Your Dating Adventure?


Biker Planet is an online dating app designed for motorcycle enthusiasts to meet and mingle. The platform was launched in 2002, making it one of the oldest biker-specific dating sites on the web. It has grown significantly since then and now boasts over 1 million active users from all around the world.

The Biker Planet app caters mainly to single men and women who are passionate about motorcycles or motorcycling culture as a whole. It provides its members with various features that make meeting likeminded people easier than ever before; such as messaging capabilities, search filters based on interests, location-based matchmaking services etcetera. Moreover, each user can create their own profile page where they can share pictures of themselves along with other details about them (age/gender/interests). This helps potential matches get to know each other better before deciding whether or not they would like to pursue a relationship further through private conversations within the site’s chatroom feature..

Owned by SuccessfulMatch Inc., BikerPlanet enjoys popularity across five countries: USA , Canada , UK , Australia & New Zealand . Over 50000 new registrations take place every month due its growing appeal among bike lovers everywhere! Furthermore -the best part is – using this website comes at no cost whatsoever! All you need do is register yourself via email address after which you will be able access your account dashboard anytime anywhere without any hassle !

For those looking for more convenience while accessing this service there’s also an official mobile application available both Android & iOS devices alike . Downloading it takes only few minutes after which anyone can log into their accounts directly from smartphones itself ! Plus if someone doesn’t have either type device still don’t worry because even desktop version works just fine too providing same level experience when compared against smartphone counterpart ..

How Does Biker Planet Work?

The Biker Planet app is a great way for bikers to connect with each other. It allows users to create profiles, upload photos and videos, and chat with other members in real time. The app also offers an extensive search feature that enables users to find people based on their interests or location. Additionally, the app provides detailed information about bike events around the world so you can easily plan your next ride out!

Finding profiles on Biker Planet is easy – just use the ‘Search’ function at the top of any page within the app. You can filter by age range, gender identity/expression preference as well as country of origin if desired; this makes it simple for those looking for someone specific or who want to broaden their horizons by connecting with riders from different countries! There are currently over one million registered users from all five continents making up its global community – giving everyone plenty of options when searching through potential matches!

Once you have found a profile that catches your eye there are several ways you can interact: send them messages directly via private chat rooms; join public group chats where multiple people participate in conversations simultaneously; post comments & pictures publicly (which will be visible only amongst fellow members); like posts & images posted by others etc… All these features make it easier than ever before for bikers across borders meet new friends and form meaningful connections online without having leave home comfort zone first!

Biker Planet caters mainly towards motorcyclists but anyone interested in biking culture may sign up too – whether they own a motorcycle themselves or not doesn’t matter here since many simply enjoy reading stories shared by experienced riders while some prefer participating actively instead (by posting questions/answers). This diversity among user base means no two days spent browsing through this platform will ever feel same which adds even more excitement into mix – something every rider should try out at least once!.

Finally, safety measures such as verified accounts help ensure authenticity behind every profile thus reducing risk associated meeting strangers face-to-face significantly compared traditional methods used previously… As long follow guidelines set forth upon signing up then rest assured everything else falls place automatically afterwards allowing worry free socializing between enthusiasts worldwide anytime day night alike !

  • 1.Advanced Matching System: Biker Planet’s advanced matching system allows users to quickly and easily find compatible matches based on their interests, lifestyle preferences, and location.
  • 2. Group Rides & Events Calendar: Members can join or create group rides and events in their area that are tailored to the biker community.
  • 3. Bike-Focused Blogs & Forums: Connect with other riders through bike-focused blogs, forums, discussion boards, photos galleries and more!
  • 4. Secure Messaging Platform: Keep your conversations private with a secure messaging platform for one-on-one chats between members of the site’s community of motorcycle enthusiasts from around the world!
  • 5 .Bike Shop Locator Tool : Find nearby shops where you can purchase parts or accessories for your ride using our easy to use bike shop locator tool !
  • 6 .Customizable Profile Pages : Show off who you are by customizing your profile page – add pictures , write about yourself , list out what kind of bikes you own etc..

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the Biker Planet app is a straightforward process. First, you will need to provide your basic information such as gender, age and location. You can then create an account with either your email address or Facebook profile before creating a username and password for logging in later. Once this step is completed, you’ll be asked to upload photos of yourself along with some additional details about yourself that other users may find interesting (e.g., hobbies). After submitting these details, you’ll have access to all the features available on the app including searching for potential matches based on interests and preferences provided by other members of the community. The minimum required age to begin dating through Biker Planet is 18 years old; however it’s free to register regardless of how old one might be!

  • 1.Must be 18 years of age or older
  • 2. Valid email address
  • 3. Username and password must be created
  • 4. Upload a profile picture
  • 5. Provide basic information such as name, gender, location etc
  • 6. Agree to terms and conditions of the website
  • 7 .Provide valid payment method for subscription services (if applicable) 8 .Verify identity by providing government-issued ID

Design and Usability of Biker Planet

The Biker Planet app has a modern design with dark and bright colors that are pleasing to the eye. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy for users to find what they need quickly. Profiles of other people can be found by using search filters or browsing through categories such as age, location, interests and more.

Usability-wise, the app offers an enjoyable experience thanks to its simple navigation system which allows you access different sections easily from the main menu bar at the bottom of your screen. Additionally, there are no UI improvements when purchasing a paid subscription so everyone gets equal treatment regardless if they pay or not!

User Profile Quality

Biker Planet is a popular online dating platform for bikers. The profiles on the site are public, meaning anyone can view them without having to sign up or log in. Users have the option of setting a custom bio and adding photos as well as listing their interests and hobbies. There is also an “invite friends” feature which allows users to connect with others they know who may be interested in joining Biker Planet too.

When it comes to privacy, there are several settings available that allow users control over what information other people can see about them on their profile page such as age, location etc.. Additionally, Biker Planet offers both Google and Facebook sign-in options so you don’t need to create another account if you already have one of those accounts set up elsewhere online. As far as fake accounts go; these appear very rarely but when they do show up staff members at Biker planet work quickly remove them from the website altogether so all registered users feel safe while using this service .

Finally when it comes down to location info within your profile; yes you can hide this information should wish however by default most user’s city will be visible along with any indication of distance between two different individuals based upon where each person lives (this only applies if both parties choose not reveal exact address). Premium subscription holders receive additional benefits such has increased visibility across search results pages plus more advanced messaging features than regular free membership holders get access too!


Biker Planet is a dating website for motorcycle enthusiasts. It has been designed to help people find like-minded partners who share their passion for biking and motorcycling. The site offers users the chance to search through thousands of profiles, communicate with potential matches via chat rooms or private messages, and even organize events such as group rides or meetups in local areas. Biker Planet also provides members with access to an extensive range of resources including blogs, forums, videos and articles related to motorcycles and riding culture.

The main advantages of using Biker Planet are that it’s free (with some features requiring payment) so you don’t have any upfront costs; there is no need for additional software downloads since all functions can be accessed directly from your web browser; the user interface is intuitively designed making it easy to navigate around the site; plus there are plenty of options available when searching for compatible matches based on interests or location preferences etc.. On the downside however – although safety measures have been implemented – users should always exercise caution when interacting online due its open nature which could potentially lead them into contact with malicious individuals if they aren’t careful enough .

At this time Biker Planet does not offer a dedicated mobile app but instead allows members access their account from either desktop computers or mobile devices via its responsive design website layout which automatically adjusts itself according fit different screen sizes depending on whether you’re accessing it from phone , tablet PC etc.. This makes sure that regardless what device you use -you’ll still get optimal performance without having download anything extra onto your device thus saving both time & storage space while at same providing convenience flexibility allowing log in anytime anywhere

Safety & Security

Biker Planet takes security seriously and has a range of measures in place to protect its users. The app requires all users to go through an extensive verification process, which includes providing personal information such as name, address, phone number and email address. This helps ensure that only real people are using the platform. Additionally, Biker Planet also uses AI-based technology for facial recognition to verify user photos before they can be uploaded onto the platform – this ensures that no fake accounts or bots are created on their network. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available for added security when logging into your account from different devices or locations; this provides an extra layer of protection against malicious actors trying to gain access without authorization.

When it comes privacy policy at Biker Planet ,it strictly adheres with GDPR guidelines .It does not share any data collected from its customers with third parties except where necessary by law enforcement agencies .All customer’s data stored securely within servers located in Europe & US region which meets highest industry standards regarding safety & confidentiality

Pricing and Benefits

Is Biker Planet Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

Biker Planet is an app that connects motorcycle enthusiasts and provides them with the tools to meet up, ride together, and share their experiences. The basic version of the app is free for users but there are also paid subscription options available.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on Biker Planet:

  • Access to exclusive events & rides – Discounts from partner brands & retailers – Premium support from our team of experts – Priority access to new features as they become available

Prices & Competitiveness:

The cost for subscribing varies depending on how long you choose your plan for (monthly/yearly). Monthly subscriptions start at $14.99 per month while yearly plans begin at $7.49 per month when billed annually ($89.88 total). These prices are competitive compared to other apps in this space offering similar services such as RideShare which charges around $19 monthly or MyRide which starts at around $15 monthly too so users can be sure they’re getting value out of their subscription fee if they decide to go down this route!

Cancellation Process & Refunds:

If you do decide that you no longer want your paid subscription then cancelling it couldn’t be easier; simply head over into settings within the app where there will be an option labelled ‘Cancel my membership’ – click here and follow any further instructions given by our system before confirming cancellation! As far as refunds go we offer full money back guarantees within 14 days after purchase should customers not feel satisfied with what we have provided them during this time period- making us one step ahead when compared against many competitors who don’t offer refunds whatsoever!
  ## Do Users Really Need A Paid Subscription On Biker Planet?                                                                                 It really depends on what type user experience someone wants out of using Biker planet; those looking just use its core functions may find themselves perfectly content without ever needing upgrade whilst others wanting more advanced features like discounts etc might benefit greatly by doing so- ultimately though whether somebody needs pay subscribe comes down personal preference based upon individual usage habits!.

Help & Support

Biker Planet is a great resource for bikers to connect with each other and share their experiences. It also provides access to support when needed.

The first way you can get help on Biker Planet is by visiting the Help Center page, which has answers to frequently asked questions about account setup, profile management, privacy settings and more. The response time for this type of inquiry will vary depending on how busy the team at Biker Planet are but generally it should be within 24 hours or less if your query isn’t too complex.

You can also contact customer service directly via email using the form provided in the Contact Us section of their website or through one of their toll-free phone numbers available from 8am – 5pm PST Monday – Friday (excluding holidays). Response times here tend to be quicker than those received through submitting an online form as they have dedicated staff who handle these inquiries promptly during business hours.

Finally there’s always social media such as Twitter where you can reach out @bikerplanethelp with any issues that need addressing quickly; again though this may take some time due to high volumes so patience is key! Generally speaking however most queries sent via either method will receive a reply within 1-2 days maximum – often much sooner depending on complexity/urgency etc


1. Is Biker Planet safe?

Biker Planet is a safe and secure website for bikers to meet, connect, and find others who share their same interests. The site has strict security measures in place that help protect users from malicious activity or scams. All members are verified before they can access the site’s features such as chat rooms, forums, blogs and other messaging services. Biker Planet also offers an extensive list of safety tips on its website so that all members can stay informed about how to keep themselves safe while using the platform. Additionally, there is 24/7 customer support available should any issues arise during use of the service. With these measures in place it makes Biker Planet a reliable online destination for those looking to make connections with like-minded individuals within the biking community

2. Is Biker Planet a real dating site with real users?

Yes, Biker Planet is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2005 and has been helping bikers find love ever since. The website caters to single motorcycle riders who are looking for relationships or friendships with other bikers. With over 500,000 members from all around the world, it’s one of the largest online communities dedicated to motorcyclists. The site offers various features such as forums where people can discuss their biking experiences and interests; search tools that allow you to look for potential matches based on location or age; private messaging options so that you can communicate directly with other members without having your conversations visible publicly; photo galleries which showcase pictures of fellow bikers across different countries; and much more! All these features make Biker Planet an ideal place for those seeking companionship within the biking community

3. How to use Biker Planet app?

Using the Biker Planet app is a great way to connect with other bikers from around the world. To get started, you will need to create an account and provide some basic information about yourself such as your age, gender, location and interests. Once your profile is created you can start browsing through profiles of fellow bikers in order to find someone who shares similar interests or hobbies. You can also search for events near you that may be of interest or join groups related to biking topics like road trips and maintenance tips.

The app also allows users to chat with each other directly via text messages or video calls if they wish too! This makes it easy for riders who live far away from one another but still want stay connected by discussing their shared passion for bikes! Additionally, there are forums available where members can ask questions about anything bike-related which gives them access knowledge from experienced riders all over the globe – making this a great resource when looking up advice on repairs or modifications!

4. Is Biker Planet free?

Biker Planet is a free online dating website for single bikers. It allows users to create their own profile, browse other members’ profiles and connect with them in various ways such as sending messages or flirts. The site also offers additional features like forums, blogs and groups that allow you to interact with other members of the community. With its large user base, Biker Planet provides an easy way for singles who share a passion for motorcycles to meet each other and form relationships based on common interests. Although some of the premium services are not available without payment, most basic features can be accessed at no cost which makes it one of the best options out there when it comes to finding someone special who shares your love for two wheels!

5. Is Biker Planet working and can you find someone there?

Yes, Biker Planet is working and it is possible to find someone there. The website has a large community of bikers who are looking for companionship or friendship with other people who share their passion for biking. There are various features on the site that make it easy to search through profiles and connect with potential matches. For example, users can use an advanced search feature which allows them to narrow down results based on criteria such as age, location, interests etc., so they can quickly find like-minded individuals in their area. Additionally, members have access to forums where they can chat about anything related to bikes or just get advice from experienced riders in the community. Overall Biker Planet provides an excellent platform for anyone interested in finding new friends or even starting a relationship within this unique group of people!


In conclusion, Biker Planet is a great dating app for bikers who are looking to find partners. The design and usability of the app are easy to use and navigate, making it convenient for users. Safety and security measures such as SSL encryption ensure that user data remains secure at all times while using the platform. Furthermore, help & support services provided by their team make sure that any issues or queries can be resolved quickly without much hassle. Finally, user profiles on this site have high quality information which helps people in finding suitable matches easily according to their preferences & interests Overall we can say that Biker Planet provides an excellent experience when it comes to online dating specifically tailored towards bikers with its wide range of features offered on the platform .

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Author Laura Taylor

Laura Taylor is a passionate writer who specializes in love and relationships. She has been writing about this topic for over ten years and draws from her own personal experiences to create articles that are both insightful and relatable. In her free time, she enjoys reading romance novels and spending time outdoors. She believes in the power of true love, and strives to help others find it in their own lives. She is passionate about helping others find the joys of a meaningful, healthy relationship.

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